Learning Journey
With a heavy schedule in school, I struggle to find time to practice. Therefore, in order to stay motivated, setting goals like taking examinations and participating in performances, really help as that propels me to work harder.
With a heavy schedule in school, I struggle to find time to practice. Therefore, in order to stay motivated, setting goals like taking examinations and participating in performances, really help as that propels me to work harder.
I enjoy music and practicing piano has become a part of my life. My family members constantly encourage and motivate me to work towards my goal, even though I have many other priorities in school. My kind words to other students who are also currently at the advanced level would be this – Learning to play the piano or any other instrument is for lifelong enjoyment. The objective shouldn’t be about exam results. Therefore, to sustain the interest and to complete the journey, set a goal and establish a framework for practicing at home.